Laser Liposuction Treatment Areas in Washington, DC

Laser Liposuction Treatment Areas in Washington, DC

  Laser liposuction uses laser technology to maximize the benefits of traditional liposuction while making it safer and more comfortable for the patient. Like liposuction, laser liposuction is an incredibly versatile technique that can be used to eliminate stubborn, unwanted body fat from nearly any area of the body. As a result, patients can achieve…

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Washington, D.C. Resident Ask: When Should I Replace My Implants?

When a woman makes the decision to have breast augmentation, it’s a natural question to wonder if or when she’ll have to replace the implants. Although there was a time this could be a cause for concern, advancements in breast augmentation procedures, as well as the implants themselves, have reduced the need to have a…

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Whole-Body Approach to Liposuction in Washington, DC

A whole-body or holistic approach to liposuction is not the same thing as “whole body liposuction”. Whole-body liposuction is also called full-body liposuction, and most surgeons will discourage a patient from attempting this type of liposuction, treating every area of the body at the same time. A whole-body approach to liposuction means that for each…

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Erase Wrinkles from Aging, Genetics and Sun Exposure

As we age, unwanted evidence often shows up on our face in the form of wrinkles, laugh lines, frown lines or other skin irregularities. Our genetics and exposure to the sun are other contributing factors. But there’s an easy solution to these unwanted lines and wrinkles. Dr. Yousefi and his talented team will renew your…

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Northern Virginia Residents Wonder: Can Liposuction Make Me Skinny?

Liposuction is a popular and well known cosmetic procedure in the U.S. The procedure is perfect for patients who wish to remove unwanted fat from a particular area that may otherwise be resistant to change, such as the abdomen, arms, breasts, and buttocks. As ideal as liposuction sounds, you may be asking yourself if this…

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Scheduling a Chemical Peel Before the Holidays

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Amid the party invitations, decorating, baking and gift wrapping, it’s easy to forget to schedule in some self-care—like a chemical peel. If you’re contemplating whether or not to freshen up your face for the holidays, it’s totally possible. Just be sure to schedule a chemical peel no later…

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About the FUE Strip Technique for Hair Restoration in Northern Virginia

Approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the U.S. currently suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair and even more are seeking a solution to restore their lost hair and confidence. What is Follicular Unit Extraction? Follicular unit extraction (FUE) strip technique is a surgical technique used to extract donor hair for…

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Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Fat Transfers in Northern Virginia

A breast augmentation (or breast implant surgery) refers to the use of implants to augment the size, shape or form of the breasts. A breast fat transfer removes fat from one area of a patient’s body and relocates it to the breast to increase size. So, what breast surgery option is ideal for you? About…

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